

Please read ALL instructions before
starting your grant application. 

Stock the Classroom Grant


About TFAE Stock the Classroom Grants
This grant was previously named "New Teacher Grant". However, we have renamed it to reflect more than just the needs of a "New" teacher. We recognize that there are a lot of supplies necessary to get a classroom ready for students. We have created this grant program to help stock your classroom. Teachers who meet the criteria can submit one grant application for up to $500.

Who can apply?
Any Terrebonne Parish public school art, music, physical education, Pre-K–12 teacher employed full-time by the Terrebonne Parish Public School System who is directly involved in the instruction of students and who meets one of the following criteria. If you received a   "new teacher grant" within the last three years, you can not apply this year!

The teacher is considered new if she/he meets one or more of the following conditions:
• New to the TPSD system within the last 3 years
• New to a subject area within the last 3 years
• New to a grade level within the last 3 years

Allowable Expenditures
Paper, pens, pencils, bulletin board materials, storage containers, markers, crayons, dry erase boards, calculators, or items that are necessary to get your classroom up and running. This grant cannot be used to purchase technology for the classroom.

Grant winners will be able to purchase up to $500 in supplies directly from Stire Office World. No purchase orders will be necessary. Complete details on how to make purchases will be given upon awarding of the grant.

Applicants will be notified by whether or not their grant will be funded, without explanation or discussion. Grant recipients must agree to open their classroom to TFAE to showcase the funded projects in the same school year.

Application approvals will be on the First Come, First Serve bases until ALL funds are exhausted. 

Innovative Ed-Venture Grants

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TFAE Innovative Ed-Venture Grants are designed to encourage teachers to incorporate the most innovative, educational, and developmental activities into their classroom curriculum to provide students with an innovative approach to the learning process.

TFAE wants to invest in you, the teachers who shape the future, by offering grants, not limited in dollar amount, that make it possible for you to incorporate bold, challenging, and educational thought-stretching ideas into your classroom to enhance the learning experience and close the achievement gap for all students!

Our goal with this grant is to inspire you to explore and create creative instructional strategies and to enhance learning for all students.

Who can apply?
Any Terrebonne Parish  public school teacher employed full-time by the Terrebonne Parish Public School System.

Applications meeting the required criteria will be scored by community volunteers selected by TFAE to anonymously "blind read" and score the applications looking for the following qualities and attributes:
  • Innovation—generate new ideas that build creative capabilities and confidence. Try something that is not currently common practice. Be original! This is not about just asking for Chromebooks or iPads, this is about creating a setting for creativity, collaboration, and excellence. We still hope to participate in a cohort program with TPSD to provide Chromebooks to multiple classrooms.
  • Collaboration—collaboration is encouraged with: students, coworkers, parents, community, or all of these. How will you build a creative, collaborative culture? Who are they? What are their roles? Why were they chosen and what do they add to the project?
  • Sustainability—how will this become an embedded project in the future? How will it be integrated into the curriculum? What are specific plans for expansion, continuation, or replication of this project. The project should extend beyond the grant year.

Applicants must be prepared to answer any questions for clarification upon request of TFAE. Applicants will be notified by email by mid-October whether or not their grant will be funded, without explanation or discussion. Grant recipients must agree to open their classroom to TFAE to showcase the funded projects in the same school year. Please do not put the name of your school, mascot, school colors, or any words that would identify your school in the grant narrative or budget page.

Application approvals will be on the First Come, First Serve bases until ALL funds are exhausted. 

Before applying, you must have the following files ready for upload: 
  • Budget Sheet (located below). Save as YourProjectName.Budget.doc. 
  • Proposal Information Page (located below). Save as YourProjectName.Proposal.doc. 
  • PDF of email from your Principal stating they approve your grant application. Save as YourProjectName.Principal.pdf. 
  • If technology is included in grant, PDF of email from Tricia Corbin approving technology request.
    Save as YourProjectName.Technology.pdf. 

Philip Martin Science Grant (PMSG)

Free science vector elements
TFAE Philip Martin Science Grants is designed to encourage teachers to incorporate the most innovative, educational, and developmental activities into their SCIENCE classroom curriculum to provide students with an innovative approach to the learning process.

TFAE wants to invest in you, the teachers who shape the future, by offering grants, not limited in dollar amount, that make it possible for you to incorporate bold, challenging, and educational thought-stretching ideas into your classroom to enhance the learning experience and close the achievement gap for all students!

Our goal with this grant is to inspire you to explore and create creative instructional strategies and to enhance learning for all students in your SCIENCE LAB

Who can apply?
Any Terrebonne Parish public school teacher employed full-time by the Terrebonne Parish Public School System.

Applications meeting the required criteria will be scored by community volunteers selected by TFAE to anonymously "blind read" and score the applications looking for the following qualities and attributes:
  • Innovation—generate new ideas that build creative capabilities and confidence. Try something that is not currently common practice. Be original! This is not about just asking for Chromebooks or iPads, this is about creating a setting for creativity, collaboration, and excellence. We still hope to participate in a cohort program with TPSD to provide Chromebooks to multiple classrooms.
  • Collaboration—collaboration is encouraged with: students, coworkers, parents, community, or all of these. How will you build a creative, collaborative culture? Who are they? What are their roles? Why were they chosen and what do they add to the project?
  • Sustainability—how will this become an embedded project in the future? How will it be integrated into the curriculum? What are specific plans for expansion, continuation, or replication of this project. The project should extend beyond the grant year.

Applicants must be prepared to answer any questions for clarification upon request of TFAE. Applicants will be notified by email by mid-October whether or not their grant will be funded, without explanation or discussion. Grant recipients must agree to open their classroom to TFAE to showcase the funded projects in the same school year. Please do not put the name of your school, mascot, school colors, or any words that would identify your school in the grant narrative or budget page.

Application approvals will be on the First Come, First Serve bases until ALL funds are exhausted. 

Before applying, you must have the following files ready for upload: 
  • Budget Sheet (located below). Save as YourProjectName.Budget.doc. 
  • Proposal Information Page (located below). Save as YourProjectName.Proposal.doc. 
  • PDF of email from your Principal stating they approve your grant application. Save as YourProjectName.Principal.pdf. 
  • If technology is included in grant, PDF of email from Tricia Corbin approving technology request.
    Save as YourProjectName.Technology.pdf. 


Congratulations! Welcome to your first day of school and very first time teaching in a classroom! Do you remember as a child how excited you were to get your school supplies? There is just nothing better than a new box of crayons and a brand new notebook. TFAE wants to give you that same excitement as you begin your journey as a new teacher in Terrebonne Parish public school.

About NEW TEACHER  Grant
•    Checks will be written out to the schools.
•    A teacher cannot receive both  “New Teacher Fund and  “Stock the Classroom Fund”. You are limited to one.  The new teacher fund is limited to “New” teachers entering the classroom for the first time.
•    Both uncertified and certified teachers can apply.
•    Must apply 1st year of teaching otherwise you can apply for the $500.00 dollar “Stock the Classroom” fund.
•    Application to apply will be available from July 15-March 1st.

Teachers can apply for up to $1000 in grant funding.

Who can apply?
Any first time teacher in Terrebonne Parish public school art, music, physical education, Pre-K–12 teacher employed full-time by the Terrebonne Parish Public School System who is directly involved in the instruction of students.

Allowable Expenditures
The fund can be used to purchase technology for the classroom. In addition, this grant can be used to purchase the following but not limited to: paper, pens, bulletin board material, storage, markers, crayons, dry erase boards, and/or calculators.
Applications will begin to be processed within the first 10 days of the start of school. The funds will be made available on a first come first serve basis. ALL educators funded must agree to open their classroom to TFAE to showcase the items purchased.

Teachers can apply for up to $1000 in funding.

Before applying, you must have the following files ready for upload: 
  • Budget Sheet (located below). Save as YourName.Budget.doc. 
  • If technology is included in grant, PDF of email from Tricia Corbin approving technology request. Save as YourName.Technology.pdf.

Application approvals will be on the first come, first serve bases until ALL funds are exhausted.